Speaker DUN akan maklumkan kekosongan kerusi Behrang dan Changkat Jering kepada SPR besok. Namun begitu Jamaludin Mohd Radzi memberitahu malaysiakini bahawa dia TIDAK meletak jawatan. Laporan pelbagai pihak menyatakan surat perletakan jawatan 2 ADUN itu adalah surat yang ditandatangani di awal pembentukan Kerajaan Perak pada Mac 2008. UMNO diberitakan sedang mengusahakan supaya surat itu diputuskan sebagai tidak sah. Jika UMNO berjaya melakukannya, maka kerajaan PR akan hanya mempunyai kelebihan 1 kerusi.
Penganalisis politik menyarankan supaya Pakatan Rakyat mengambil tindakan membubarkan DUN untuk memberi laluan kepada pilihanraya DUN Perak. Langkah itu akan membolehkan Pakatan Rakyat mendapat mandat baru yang dipercayai lebih besar berbanding kelebihan kecil sekarang.
Pilihan terbaik ialah penyertaan beberapa ADUN BN yang sedang disingkirkan di peringkat Bahagian masing-masing ke mana-mana parti Pakatan Rakyat. Pakatan Rakyat wajar mengalu-alukan Dato' Raja Ahmad Zainudin, Dato' Ahmad Pakeh Adam dan Dato' Hamdi Abu Bakar.
Ketiga-tiga ADUN tersebut dilaporkan sedia menimbangkan cadangan itu demi kestabilan politik Perak. Disamping itu, ketiga-tiga mereka juga hampir pasti tidak akan dicalonkan semula oleh UMNO jika pilihanraya DUN Perak berlaku sekarang kerana mereka telah tewas dalam pemilihan bahagian masing-masing.
Mereka masih boleh memberikan khidmat kepada rakyat jika mengambil langkah menyertai Pakatan Rakyat dan mengelakkan keperluan pembubaran DUN. Jika mereka kekal bersama UMNO, MB mungkin perlu membubarkan DUN dan ketiga-tiga ADUN tersebut akan kehilangan kerusi mereka dalam DUN.
*Pada Disember 2022, Anwar telah menghentikan projek tebatan banjir RM7
1 week ago
1.On March 8th 2008, Malaysia’s opposition parties had won unexpected victories in the states of Kedah, Penang, Perak, Selangor and PAS maintained Kelantan
2.The BN was in serious trouble and could not believe that the economic powerhouses of Penang and especially Selangor had fallen.
3.Zakaria Deros, the assemblyman who was largely faulted for Selangor’s fall together with Khir Toyo was informed of an emergency UMNO meeting on the night of March 10th 2008 at Najib’s house.
4.However on arrival, Zakaria was surprised to see that there was no one there except for him, Najib and his bodyguards. “Where are the rest?” Zakaria asked. “This is a confidential meeting between the both of us only” Najib replied
5.Najib, then Defence Minister, came straight to the point. Remember 13th May 1969, the incident that my father was involved in? I want you to start a similar incident in Klang. I will call in the army and impose emergency rule afterwards. If you agree, you will be rewarded amply; otherwise you will pay heavily for your corrupt deeds and for the fall of Selangor.
6.Zakaria in his loud and gruff voice not only made it clear that he will not be a party to a riot in Klang but also barked at Najib that he knows well that Rosmah pulled the trigger to kill Altantunya and Najib Oked the C4 of the body.
7.Zakaria further screamed at Najib that he will expose this to the public.
8.The enraged Najib instructed his bodyguards who set upon Zakaria and beat him up till he became unconscious eventually suffocating him by strangling and killing him.
9.The well oiled team covered up the entire incident as Zakaria having a heart attack at just after midnight March 11th 2008.
10.His body was quickly brought back to his mansion in Klang, and sent off for burial in Malacca by late morning March 11th 2008.
11.Corrupted to the core though Zakaria was, he saved the people of Klang from falling for Najib’s evil calling although his sons did try to start an incident unsuccessfully in Telok Gong. Zakaria however paid a heavy price. His own death. If his body was excavated, apart from the strangulation, the injuries include multiple rib fractures, punctured lung and a possible a liver tear.
12.The depth of cruelty and evil that both Najib and Rosmah bear is unknown to many Malaysians. The country is really entering a very dangerous period of its history. UMNO’s culture since Razak, has been that the end justifies the means. Malaysians will now have to decide how bloody this end is going to be.
Look here : https://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/17456/84/
dasatnye najib ni. tak ade ke waris dato' zakaria deros yang berani tampil mengheret najib ke penjara dan ke tali gantung?
hati aku terdetik percaya pada cerita ni. tapi macam biase la, kita memerlukan bukti dan saksi. so kalau ada yang dapat kemukakan bukti dan mahu tampilkan saksi, boleh la kite letupkan kejahatan tahap setan si najib ni.